A Partnership with true values.

Welcome to the ForgetWP Partnership Program! We offer a comprehensive managed hosting solution and WordPress maintenance services for developers and design agencies who don't have a hosting solution or are looking to expand their services to their clients.
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ForgetWP Partnership with Agency OwnersWordPress Complete Solution

Our Partnership Program

Outsourcing hosting services to ForgetWP means you can focus on what you do best - creating beautiful and effective websites. Our private managed hosting solution on Google Cloud ensures maximum performance and uptime, with regular backups and security checks to ensure your clients' websites stay secure and up to date.
Our partnership program offers good discount rates to those with a large number of clients. To be eligible, developers or design agencies must have a minimum of 5x clients with hosting or maintenance needs. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing technical support and assistance, so you can focus on growing your business.

Benefits of partnering with ForgetWP:

  • Private Managed Hosting on Google Cloud Platform
  • Comprehensive WordPress Maintenance Services
  • Regular Backups and Security Checks
  • Expert Technical Support and Assistance
  • Good Discount Rates for Eligible Partners
  • Opportunity to Expand Your Services and Grow Your Business
Remember, this program is not for everyone and this is NOT affiliate marketing platform. So If you're committed to start a great long-term partnership with us, we will Welcome you onboard. Contact us today to learn more about our partnership program and how we can help you grow your business.
WordPress Security

Are you ready?

You can join our program if you are...

Already in Business

You have successful, already established WordPress business, agency, design studio, or you are experienced freelancer.

Have customers

You have at least 5x (or more) clients who needs WordPress Care Plans with out without our hosting.

Looking for Partner

You are looking for Long Term WordPress Partner, with vision to expand your business.

Ready to Launch

You are in the position to offer our WordPress Care Plans within first 3x months to your customers.


You have excellent communication skills, with ability to send clear instructions.


You are responsible for communicating, billing, invoicing and collecting payments from your clients.