WordPress Care and Maintenance.

Our WordPress Care and Maintenance services provide regular updates, backups, and security checks to keep your website secure and up to date. We take care of your website so you can focus on your business.
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WordPress Maintenance SolutionWordPress Complete Solution

WordPress Maintenance

Our approach and capabilities regarding WordPress Security.

Plugin and Themes Updates

We ensure all your plugins and themes are up-to-date, so your website remains secure and runs smoothly.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
WordPress SecurityWordPress Security

Core WordPress Update and Upgrades

We update your WordPress core software, so your website stays secure, and we upgrade your website as new versions become available.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
WordPress SecurityWordPress Security

Content Edit Requests

Our support team is always available to make changes and updates to your website content, saving you time and hassle.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
WordPress SecurityWordPress Security

Checking for Malware or Viruses

We scan your website regularly for malware or viruses, identifying and removing any threats quickly.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
WordPress SecurityWordPress Security

Scanning for Potential Malicious Plugins

We scan your website for potentially malicious plugins, ensuring they do not pose any risk to your website.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
WordPress SecurityWordPress Security

Applying Security Updates

We apply the latest security updates to your website to ensure it stays secure.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
WordPress SecurityWordPress Security

Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions about Our Maintenance Services