WordPress attacks are very real.

ForgetWP helps customers secure their WordPress websites by offering a comprehensive solution that includes WordPress maintenance, management, and security. With daily virus scans, penetration tests, and uptime monitoring, we ensure the security and availability of your website, giving you peace of mind.
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WordPress Security SolutionWordPress Security Solution

WordPress Security

Our approach and capabilities regarding WordPress Security.
SSL Labs Security A+SSL Labs Security A+

SSL Labs Security A+

At ForgetWP, every website hosted on our private Google Cloud infrastructure has an SSL Labs Security A+ rating. This ensures that our customers' websites are secure, protected from threats, and meet the highest standards of online security.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan
Security HeadersSecurity Headers

Security Headers

Website security headers are HTTP response headers that help to enhance the security of a website. They provide additional security by mitigating against a range of attacks, including XSS, clickjacking, and code injection. At ForgetWP, we guarantee that all customers who choose our Hosting Plan will have a Rating A for their website security headers.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan
Additional WAF ProtectionAdditional WAF Protection

Additional WAF Protection

Additional WAF (Web Application Firewall) Protection is an extra layer of security that is added to a website's hosting environment. It helps to protect against common threats, such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more. At ForgetWP, we enable this feature for every customer who chooses our hosting plan to ensure their website is even more secure and protected against potential attacks.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
Custom NGINX RulesCustom NGINX Rules

Custom NGINX Rules

Custom NGINX rules are configurations that are used to optimise the performance and security of web servers. At ForgetWP, we tweak NGINX rules to ensure the best possible security for our customers' websites. We believe that every website should have access to the highest level of security and so we enable this feature to all of our customers who choose our hosting plan.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan
Enhanced WordPress SecurityEnhanced WordPress Security

Enhanced WordPress Security

Enhanced WordPress Security is a set of practices and measures designed to protect a website from cyber threats. One such measure is changing the admin path to the WordPress admin panel, making it harder for attackers to guess the login URL. Other rules for best security include using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular software updates. This feature is available to every customer who chooses a hosting or maintenance plan to help protect their website and ensure its security.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
Viruses and Malware ScansViruses and Malware Scans

Viruses and Malware Scans

At ForgetWP, we perform daily, weekly, or monthly scans for viruses, malware, and other WordPress vulnerabilities to ensure that your website is always secure. We're always up-to-date with the latest security risks, and we patch any vulnerabilities as soon as possible, keeping your website safe and secure. Trust us to keep your website running smoothly and securely.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans
24/7 Uptime Monitoring 24/7 Uptime Monitoring

24/7 Uptime Monitoring

We understand the importance of having a website that is always available to your customers. That's why we offer 24/7 uptime monitoring for every website on every plan. We use the latest technologies and tools to monitor the uptime of your website, so you can be sure that it's always up and running for your customers.
Available with our:
FWP Complete Plan Maintenance Plans

Frequently Asked Questions

The Frequently Asked Questions about Security